The situation in Iraq....
The economy....
Health care...
Environment/global warming....
Energy policy.....
I would say energy. Most of our problems stem from our addiction to and over-dependence on foreign oil. Just a small increase in average gas mileage of our cars would be equivalent to many ANWRs for instance.
"If we raise fuel-efficiency standards by just one mile per gallon, we save two ANWRs full of oil over the projected 50-year life of
the fields. If we raise them 2.7 mpg, that's more than all the oil we import from Iraq and Kuwait combined. If we raise standards by 8 mpg, we don't have to import one drop of Persian Gulf oil into this country." Robert F Kennedy
Most important Election issue?theater
Terrorism, definitely.
There still hasn't been anything done about terrorism. No, I don't count Iraq as a war on terror. Matter of fact, say what you will, but I see it as a waste of time. Who I do include under terror, however, is Osama bin Laden and Kim Jong Ill, two people who want to and still can hurt us.
Most important Election issue?london theatre opera theater
We have now moved from the old 10% of America controlling 90% of the wealth. To the new Plutocrat model of 1% controlling 99% of America's wealth.
With 80% of American families deeper in debt than their expected lifetime earnings.
The issue of this election is Getting that last 1%
Go big Red Go
addiction? so why was Bush holding hands with gay Saudi Prince?
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